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Codename: Igor vel Tomasz/polskie szpiegostwo w Norwegii <<< znalezisko
Nieco dłuższy angielskojęzyczny artykuł norweskiej Dagbladet o polskim szpiegostwie na terytorium Norwegi w czasach zimnej wojny, które to działanie miało trwać do początku lat 90. To nie tylko kryptonimy, ale także konkretne nazwiska i wywiady z ciągle żyjącymi oficerami.

W tym także z samym Igorem/Tomaszem.

(...) Igor was not Poland’s only agent in Norway. According to the documents to which Dagbladet has access, they were well represented by agents with codenames such as Anis, Donar, Langeren, Magnet and Troll. What made Igor different was that his role was kept secret from the Embassy of Poland in Oslo, and from the other Polish spies. Igor’s orders came directly from Warsaw. Gajewski feared that anything else might lead to him being discovered. An agent such as Igor, with a cover story built up over several years, would be difficult to replace.

(...) Despite numerous enquiries, the Polish authorities have not answered Dagbladet’s questions about intelligence operations against Norway either before or after 1990.

#polska #norwegia #historia #wojsko #szpiegostwo #ciekawostki
BaronAlvon_PuciPusia - Codename: Igor vel Tomasz/polskie szpiegostwo w Norwegii <<< z...

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