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Wrzucę kilka wpisów nt wersji beta Fify 19. Wnioski wyciągnijcie sami.

"Feels more "free." By that, I mean that it's not the same exact attack everytime. You have to work to get chances because defense is easier and more responsive than 18."

" my first impressions are not good. Skill moves are much harder to pull off. Defenders are like blocks. there's absolutely no way around them. Easy to spot that park the bus will be king again this year.

Divisions Rivals will be just as sweaty as WL."

"I honestly am hating this gameplay. Nearly all of the goals I’ve conceded have simply been my opponent pressuring one of my CB’s and winning the ball off a tackle. Offensive pressing seems really overpowered, or pressing in general. It feels like every touch my players take are massive, and it’s incredibly easy to press and win the ball off initial touches. I’m sure it’ll help when I’m no longer playing with bronzes, but it sure feels like my opponents are doing fine with their bronze teams so idk. I feel like you have to be extremely thoughtful. In theory, of course that’s great. Just feel like it’s extremely punishing.

(I have FUT btw)"

" After playing a game in kickoff, it seems a lot more difficult to get offensive chances. Me and the cpu had only 12 total shots, it might've been tactics but idk. Players seemed slower but gameplay was more fluid and realistic

I feel the same. Also I feel like Im scoring in different ways everytime. Not just getting the same attack and finish

I love the gameplay currently. It feels so much heavier but players seem more agile to counter that. It's all very slick for now"

#fut #fifa19
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@chim3ra: mhm, w tym roku chce się przesiasc po paru (8miu?) latach PESa na fife, wygląda na to że Fifa będzie mieć jednak podobny gameplay z tymi obrońcami :D
@chim3ra: w sensie PESa dobrze wspominam, ale jak odpalilem Fife 2018 po paru latach zobaczyłem że fifa jest dużo bardziej dopracowanym produktem niż PES - w PESie wkurzało mnie że np. tryb w który najwięcej gram (BAL, kariera jednego gracza) nie dostaje żadnych aktualizacji od paru lat. Wg Ciebie to dobrze czy źle że bliżej PESa będzie?