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Za pomocą metody CRISPR/Cas9 stworzono nowy szczep drożdży posiadający jeden ogromny chromosom. Jest to pierwszy sztucznie stworzony organizm eukariotyczny posiadający tylko jeden chromosom liniowy. Szczep jest zdolny do reprodukcji płciowej.
Creating a functional single-chromosome yeast
Here we have created a functional single-chromosome yeast from a Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid cell containing sixteen linear chromosomes, by successive end-to-end chromosome fusions and centromere deletions. The fusion of sixteen native linear chromosomes into a single chromosome results in marked changes to the global three-dimensional structure of the chromosome due to the loss of all centromere-associated inter-chromosomal interactions, most telomere-associated inter-chromosomal interactions and 67.4% of intra-chromosomal interactions. However, the single-chromosome and wild-type yeast cells have nearly identical transcriptome and similar phenome profiles. The giant single chromosome can support cell life, although this strain shows reduced growth across environments, competitiveness, gamete production and viability.
#nauka #biologia #crispr #gmo #gruparatowaniapoziomu
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