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Mireczky, dostałem matcha na #redditgifts ale nie wiem co mu wysłać ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) Jakieś pomysły? Poniżej jego "kwestionariusz"

Likes & Dislikes
I like video games and general technology, also into fitness, mostly powerlifting and bodybuilding. I also, like any normal person, like movies and music, mostly rap. P.S. I'm a weird person and anything makes me happy. :)

Ever been abducted by space aliens?
Have I?

Favorite video game?
Probably God of War

How would you make the world a better place?
Erase any kind of judgement from peoples brains. Focus people on what's important in the world.

I have the following allergies:
eggs and bananas

I have the following pet(s):
dog and a cat

My favorite color is:
dark purple or black

My favorite subreddits are:

My favorite teams are:
The ones that win I guess

My hobbies include
Lifting, gaming, driving, tech, gadgets, computers, phones...

My t-shirt size (including fit) is:

Organizations you like or support?
Bill and melinda gates foundation

The best gift I've ever received is
A girlfriend ;')

What are your favorite foods? Snacks?
wings, anything mexican, any type of chicken, sour cream chips, beef jerky

Which book character would be your best friend?
Tyrion Lannister

Which television show would you want to live in?
Sillicon Valley

You're trapped on a desert island, what do you bring with you?
A knife, flint and steel, clothes

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