Wpis z mikrobloga

I've just ordered a pizza in #pl (and two bottles of water - I'm dried after eating, they put shit out of salt to the pastry). Coming back from the night shift, breakfast. Dominos PL. On their app for order tracking, appeared that the order will be delivered by Marius - blazing fast. Wow, it was so long since I last spoke in english, gonna be good. Marius arrived, picks the box from the backseat of tico, and two bottles of mineral water. Starts bullshiting me in polish, to watch out as it might be hot (kinda expected). Then i spoke with beautiful english accent - Thanks !!! Marius looked petrified, he looked at me, straightened his bangs and said jesteśmy w Polsce. I looked at him, took my pizza and two bottles of Cisowianka.. I tried once more: Good night!! Marius grunted: Branoc and left with scream of tires. What the fuck.

#niebylobomoje #trochepasta #heheszki #alternatywnarzeczywistosc