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Mapa Afganistanu od ISW
W linku jako pdf, na którym lepiej wszystko widać: http://post.understandingwar.org/sites/default/files/August%2028%20AFG%20Partial%20Threat%20Assessment_4.pdf

The numbers in the text below correspond to areas on the accompanying map.

1. ISIS Wilayat Khorasan militants are operating alongside Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) militants in Jowzjan Province. Security forces arrested the alleged ISIS “shadow governor” of Jowzjan province in Qush Tepah District in early August after a group of ISIS and IMU-affiliated militants clashed with security forces. It is unclear whether ISIS flipped the Taliban shadow governor in the province, or whether local reporting is simply referring to a local ISIS commander. A woman also surrendered to police in the provincial capital on August 16, claiming her husband was pressuring her to travel to Nangarhar to receive training to become a suicide bomber for ISIS.

2. Taliban militants attacked Kunduz city on August 22, the second time during Operation Omari. Militants attacked Kunduz City from three directions and blocked access to the north and south of the city, blocking potential ANSF reinforcements. Taliban militants briefly captured Khanabad District in Kunduz and Khwaja Ghar District in neighboring Takhar Province on August 20 and 22. Taliban militants also control 98% of Chahar Darah, Dasht-e Archi, and Qal’ah-ye Zal districts according to a report from the Independent Directorate of Local Governance released on July 31. Taliban militants staged their previous assault upon Kunduz from these districts in September 2015.

3. Taliban militants staged for attacks on Baghlan’s provincial capital and blocked ANSF forces in Kabul from traveling north. Taliban militants took control of Dahana-ye Ghori District, Baghlan Province on August 15 after laying siege to Afghan security forces, forcing a retreat. Militants may use Dahana-ye Ghori to block ANSF reinforcements in Kabul from reaching Kunduz City and/or stage offensives against the provincial capital, Pul-e Khumri City, which the group has done before.

4. Taliban militants may be switching loyalties to ISIS Wilayat Khorasan in Badakhshan Province. A large group of Taliban militants switched allegiance to ISIS in areas under Taliban control in Warduj and Yamgan Districts in northern Badakhshan Province according to local reports. This group could provide ISIS Wilayat Khorasan a foothold to expand into the northeastern provinces.

5. Unknown militants, possibly al-Qaeda or Lashkar-e-Taiba, launched coordinated attacks against the Waygal District headquarters in Nuristan Province on August 14, a step change for militants in the province. Taliban militants reportedly claim to control the district; but Afghan officials have only acknowledged deadly clashes. Extremist networks are likely shifting operations from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan to Nuristan in order to reestablish a base of operations in Afghanistan in a historic stronghold.

6. ISIS Wilayat Khorasan is contesting a district center in Nangarhar and continues to stage attacks in Kabul from the province. Officials claimed on July 19 that Afghan security forces are unable to hold terrain outside the government compound in Deh Bala district center against ISIS militants. ISIS militants detonated two SVESTs during a protest by Shi’a Hazaras in Kabul City on July 23, an attack staged in Achin District, Nangarhar province. U.S. officials confirmed a U.S. drone strike killed ISIS Wilayat Khorasan leader Hafiz Khan in Nangarhar on July 26, however, and it is unclear whether ISIS’s operations in Nangarhar will be disrupted by the loss of his leadership.

7. Haqqani Network militants may be taking advantage of the ANSF’s focus on Helmand and Kunduz Provinces to establish control in Paktia Province. Militants captured Jani Khel district center on August 27 after Afghan security forces retreated due to a lack of supplies and reinforcements. Militants briefly closed the Gardez-Patan highway and clashed with security forces in Tsamkani and Jani Khel Districts in early August. Establishing a strong position in Paktia will give the Haqqani Network a staging ground to attack its provincial capital, Gardez, and set conditions to expand control.

8. ISIS Wilayat Khorasan may be exploiting Afghanistan’s ungoverned spaces to expand operations in Zabul Province. Afghan officials report that ISIS militants established an ISIS training and recruitment center in Khak-e Afghan District, Zabul Province. Local authorities claim the militants are flush with cash and are in constant contact with and receive funding from ISIS leaders in Iraq. Resolute Support spokesman Brigadier General Charles Cleveland refuted these claims, stating on August 14 that U.S. military intelligence had not seen evidence indicating an ISIS presence in Zabul Province.

9. Taliban militants are setting conditions to contest control of the provincial capital of Helmand. Taliban militants launched a large-scale offensive in six of Helmand’s 13 districts on July 29, one day after Resolute Support Commander U.S. General John Nicholson stated that the ANSF regained control of Sangin and Marjah district centers. Taliban militants briefly seized Reg-e Khan Neshin, Garmser, and Nawah-ye Barakzai district centers before security forces recaptured them between July 29 and August 14. Taliban militants launched offensives to take Nad Ali district center and captured a number of areas after clashes with security forces on August 1. A new Taliban commando unit is reportedly at the front of this offensive in Helmand with advanced fighters and technologies that have allowed the group to increase the frequency and effectiveness of its assaults. The U.S. deployed an additional 100 troops to support the train, advise, and assist mission around Lashkar Gah on August 22.

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F.....o - Mapa Afganistanu od ISW 
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