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tl;dr 2 ostanie posty z selfhacked

W skrócie - wcinać kurkuminę i berberynę

1) Curcumin Helps Your Gut
2) Curcumin Fights Autoimmunity
3) Curcumin is Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal
4) Curcumin is Good For The Brain
5) Curcumin Protects Against Stress & Depression
6) Curcumin Protects Against Metal Toxicity and Fluoride
7) Curumin Treats Diabesity
8) Curcumin is Anti-aging
9) Curcumin is an Antioxidant and an Anti-inflammatory.
12) Curcumin Fights Cancer
13) Curcumin Benefits Liver Health
14) Curcumin Protects Your Kidneys
15) Curcumin Helps Your Eyes

Safety and Dosage
Curcumin has been found to be safe to consume without side effects up to 10g/day (R).
I recommend to ingest 1-2g in the morning, upon awakening.

Berberine has a 3000 year history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine
1) Berberine Improves Learning & Memory
2) Berberine Supports Gut Health

3) Berberine is an Anti-Depressant
4) Berberine Treats Inflammation

7) Berberine is Anti-Cancer
8) Berberine Improves Cholesterol Stats
10) Berberine Prevents Heart Disease
11) Berberine Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

#selfhacked #rozwojosobisty #dieta
  • 7
@Detmold: Sklepy zielarskie albo internetowe. Joe kupuje na ebay, ale zanim dojdzie ci towar, może się popsuć. Oczywiście samo łykanie jednego ziółka nic nie zmieni. Albo podchodzi się do tematu kompleksowo, albo można nic nie zmieniać w życiu.