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Recently I started doing more in-depth analysis of what is happening around and begin to draw disturbing conclusions. Everywhere I go to a party, I see a fucking gray mass of college kids in shirts. Motherfuckers, I do not know if the club on 200 college kids can find 10 who are not wearing a shirt.

Black, white, colored, striped, long-sleeved, short, from the market or from the bazaars - everything one dick. It must be SHIRT.
SHIRT = win.

Holy shit. Of course, the aforementioned shirt you have to be thin. Where there bodybuilder shirt - so it does not take. It has to be a minimum of -10 kg compared to the increase because otherwise gashes of bad. What a fucked up fashion. come such cattle, compact mass that looks SAME and yells. "hej hej nananana hej hej hej" Brandishing these grafts in eel and gashes are wet at the sight. whore what is happening to the world. Fuck me, I'm standing at a bar and I see well muscleman who tried something there treated with gash. Although they danced, but she somehow reluctantly he talked with him and fucked up somewhere. 5 minutes I see that someone snail - with whom? already known. and with the saliva ran down the fucking shirt, fuck.

Conclusions are simple - bodybuilders can go fishing. you want to fuck gashes, put SHIRTS, lose weight a few kilograms and scream hej hej nananana hej hej hej

#pasta #heheszki #angielski
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