Wpis z mikrobloga

wołam tylko was @Shoshon @wpoz jako kontynuacje wcześniejszego wpisu oraz wczesniejszego
poszukałem info ale klapa, nie znalazłem żadnych informacji
oprócz tych co znalazłem wcześniej czyli twittera dev

przedostatnia ostatnia deska:
poniższy obrazek z tym podpisem:

Who created this game? I need the publisher's e-mail address because I'd like to ask if they're going to release part 2.

wklejany na jakiś popularnych stronach anglojęzycznych

#gimbynieznajo #gry
Blackman - #airfixdogfighter 
wołam tylko was @Shoshon @wpoz jako kontynuacje wcześn...

źródło: comment_X4IhQp0esvzPfDT2WI1yNTapMdvAs3Mu.jpg

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@Blackman: Spokojnie, na razie daję radę, szybko piszę. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A to "both" akurat zastanawiałam się, czy tam zostawiać, bo wyszło Ci przeczenie, więc de facto bardziej pasowałoby tam Neither... nor... exists any longer, ale byłoby to już czepianie się na siłę. ;) Tak jest ok.
  • Odpowiedz
"Hello guys,

I belong to a Polish social networking news platform (something like a combination of Reddit and Twitter but smaller). We brought on a subject of Airfix Dogfighter. We discussed about how great the game was (even though it was not a high budget production) and we were wondering if the producers were ever going to release a sequel.
We found out that four companies were involved in the production of the game. Airfix, Unique Development Studios, Paradox Entertainment and EON Digital Entertainment.
We have contacted the Airfix company and they said they had just allowed an external studio to use their name.
Neither Unique Development Studios nor EON Digital Entertainment exists any longer. We would like to write a letter to Paradox Entertainment, because we think that the game deserves a remake/sequel.
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WRÓĆ bo nie zaznaczyłem poprawek, teraz popatrz:

"Hello guys,

IA few days ago we were discussing old times and old games from our childhood with a group of friends. We brought on a subject of Airfix Dogfighter. We discussed about how great the game was (even though it was not a high budget production) and we were wondering if the producers were ever going to
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@Blackman: Przepraszam za zamieszanie, ale jeszcze parę rzeczy przegapiłam. "Greetings" to pozdrowienia przy powitaniu; na końcu maila raczej Best regards/Kind regards, ale jeśli to post na reddicie, to chyba bym się tego pozbyła i zamiast tego zakończyłabym jakimś apelem, np. "So... will you help us bring this game back to life?"
Nie wiem też, czy do końca chodziło wam o "approval" w ostatnim zdaniu - Approval to zgoda; jeśli to miało być poparcie, to bardziej: "...and Reddit support can be a strong argument".

Hello guys,

A few days ago we were discussing old times and old games from our childhood with a group of friends. We brought on a subject of Airfix Dogfighter. We discussed about how great the game was (even though it was not a high budget production) and we were wondering if the producers were ever going to release
  • Odpowiedz
"Hello guys,

IA few days ago we were discussing old times and old games from our childhood with a group of friends. We brought on a subject of Airfix Dogfighter. We discussed about how great the game was (even though it was not a high budget production) and we were wondering if the producers were ever going to release a sequel.
We found out that four companies were involved in the production of the game. Airfix, Unique Development Studios, Paradox Entertainment and EON Digital Entertainment.
We have contacted the Airfix company and they said they had just allowed an external studio to use their name.
Neither Unique Development Studios nor EON Digital Entertainment exists any longer. We would like to write a letter to Paradox Entertainment, because we think that the game deserves a remake/sequel.
  • Odpowiedz
@Blackman: Zgubiłeś spację i kawałek zdania po drodze. ;)

Hello guys,

A few days ago we were discussing old times and old games from our childhood with a group of friends. We brought on a subject of Airfix Dogfighter. We discussed about how great the game was (even though it was not a high budget production) and we were wondering if the producers were ever going to release a sequel.
We found out that four companies were involved in the production of the game. Airfix, Unique Development Studios, Paradox Entertainment and EON
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