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Economist o zwiększeniu kwoty wolnej od podatku w UK:
Good politics, dodgy economics

Cutting income tax may be popular. But does it make economic sense?

At first, it seems strange that a government implementing such severe austerity measures has found room for tax cuts. That is because the government has been quietly shifting the burden of taxation from direct levies to indirect ones, at the fastest rate since the 1980s. Since 2010, £64 billion of tax rises introduced have offset by tax cuts worth £48 billion.

Most of the latest giveaway will go to the richest 50% of families, or to groups such as pensioners who do not work (although the richest few percent of earners do not receive an allowance). And last year, the poorest 17% of workers paid no income tax anyway. In short, it is a middle-class tax cut dressed up in working-class clothes.

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  • 7
@fir3fly: Zaśmiałem się z tej klasy średniej. Nie uważam się za nią ale akurat podwyższenie kwoty wolnej od podatku odczuwam znacząco. No i nie należę też do tych 17%. To wszystko. Żadnego orania.