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#kryptowaluty Informacja jednego z forumowiczów bitcointalk w sprawie Cryptodouble: The site is not coming back, the company that owns the server he was renting says that the server has been shut off... I'm gunna press some people to try and find some shit out but other then that in 24 hours if there's no payouts I'm making some calls to some reporters. I am sure they will get a kick out of a story where someone steals millions upon millions of dollars.

Oh and I sent a message to his fb saying I want my money and that account was gone not even 10 minutes later and theres 3 others so lets see.

Oh and I made sure I got lots of screen shots of his pics and his friends names in which im sending all messages now!

Ill be sure to update here within 24 hours, until then I want to keep info to myself just encase and like I said im gunna make sure some reporters have it first before anyone.

My money on that site was nothing compared to how much I paid for the info
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@Pepeo: Przecież to było wiadomo od początku że się chłop zawinie z całym majdanem. To był hazard, ci co zostawili tam kasę przegrali ale innym za to się udało.
Nie rozumiem płaczu tych dzieciaczków i stalkowania typa.