@prezes_n: moi kompletnie nie-techniczni rodzice od lat używają tylko Ubuntu, zwyczajnie jest prostsze w obsłudze dla takich osób :) A przy okazji i mniej problemów dla mnie, nie muszę się męczyć z jakimiś sterownikami, wirusami itd, wszystko po prostu działa.
Software Development Cycles

01. Programmer produces code he believes is bug-free.

02. Product is tested. 20 bugs are found.

03. Programmer fixes 10 of the bugs and explains to the testing department that the other 10 aren’t really bugs.

04. Testing department finds that five of the fixes didn’t work and discovers 15 new bugs.

05. Repeat three times steps 3 and 4.

06. Due to marketing pressure and an extremely premature
Jesus and Satan have an argument as to who is the better programmer. This goes on for a few hours until they come to an agreement to hold a contest with God as the judge. They set themselves before their computers and begin. They type furiously, lines of code streaming up the screen, for several hours straight.

Seconds before the end of the competition, a bolt of lightning strikes, taking out the
Q: Does God control everything that happens in my life?

A: He could if he used the debugger, but it's tedious to step through all those variables.

Q: Why does God allow evil to happen?

A: God thought He eliminated evil in one of the earlier versions.

Q: Does God know everything?

A: He likes to think so, but He is often amazed to find out what goes on in the operating
CIA – Computer Industry Acronyms

CD-ROM: Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months

PCMCIA: People Can’t Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

ISDN: It Still Does Nothing

SCSI: System Can’t See It

MIPS: Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed

DOS: Defunct Operating System

WINDOWS: Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

OS/2: Obsolete Soon, Too

PnP: Plug and Pray

APPLE: Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity

IBM: I Blame Microsoft

MICROSOFT: Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only
@razov: ekhm

Żona informatyka wysyła go po zakupy.

- Kup parówki, a jak będą jajka, to kup dziesięć.

Chłopina po wejściu do sklepu pyta:

- Czy są jajka?

- Tak - odpowiada sprzedawca.

- To poproszę dziesięć parówek.

A guy is standing on the corner of the street smoking one cigarette after another. A lady walking by notices him and says

"Hey, don't you know that those things can kill you? I mean, didn't you see the giant warning on the box?!"

"That's OK" says the guy, puffing casually "I'm a computer programmer"

"So? What's that got to do with anything?"

"We don't care about warnings. We only care about
@Schopen: chciałem przetłumaczyć suchar starszy od odry:

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who have regular sex.

Ale doszedłem do wniosku, że tłumaczenie takich żartów to jak programowanie w htmlu ;)