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#suchar #sucharinformatyczny

Znacie #protolol? Dowcipy o protokołach? Dobry sposób żeby zapamiętać charakterystyczne cechy protokołów/formatów ;)

The sad thing about IPv6 jokes is that almost no one understands them and no one is using them yet.

I tried to come up with an IPv4 joke, but the good ones were all already exhausted.

The best thing about UDP jokes is that I don't care if you get them or not.


The problem with CSS jokes is that everyone understands them differently

The great thing about SQL transaction jokes is that once you BEGIN, you can ROLLBACK if nobody gets them.

I don't make SQLi jokes myself, I get them FROM USERS

order best is tell that The you thing can about jokes BitTorrent them in any.

The worst part about HTTP jokes is that you can never remember in which state you heard the last one.

Python jokes are usually funny, even though the format is always the same...

The worst thing about Perl jokes is that next morning you can't understand why they seemed so funny.

There's more than one way to tell a Perl joke, but only one of the ways actually is understandable.

DNS servers must feel sad, nobody calls them by their name.

itd. itp.

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