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@Kacc: 10 sekund i wygooglane:

Originally at the birth of indoor plumbing, they installed a cold tap,and as most people were right handed, it tended to be on the right. later on when they were able to produce hot water by thermo-syphon from a back boiler, and a storage tank in the attic, they installed the hot tap in the only other available space , the left. and of course they were delighted, as they did'nt have to disturb the original cold tap.

This scenario extended to after the Second World War when designers decided to incorporate the two, usually in
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@Felonious_Gru: To nie można tam kupić pojedyńczego kranu ? Mam tylko zimna wodę w kranie, za jakiś czas doprowadzam ciepłą i kupuje jeden kran z dwoma wejsciami. takie to trudne ? a jak za wysokie cisnienie to za można kupić reduktor i sobie ustawić na żądane cisnienie. olsnijcie mnie
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