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Ireland's keynote career event for professionals and graduates returns on Saturday, September 13th 2014 to the Convention Centre Dublin, with its fresh approach to connecting talent with opportunity.

Here's what to expect on the day:

- Thousands of highly skilled candidates;

- Effective job key system, indicating roles at stands - green for tech, blue for finance etc.;

- Tech Town; the first platform of its kind to showcase leading, Irish tech companies;

- Career workshops, Tech Box, Career Clinic and the Silicon Republic Media Centre;

- A high profile media and marketing campaign with unrivalled coverage.

Here are some headline statistics from the last event:

- 9,000 attendees;

- 74% were experienced professionals;

- 26% were recent graduates;

- 48% were either bilingual or multilingual;

- 59% were male, 41% were female.

Career Zoo

#irlandia #pracazagranica #emigracja


cc @sorek - moze sie kopsniesz na wycieczke na sasiednia wyspe i dasz sobie szanse tutaj..? :)
  • 8
Ireland targets 7,000 new multinational jobs per year until beyond 2020

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‘Severe’ ICT skills shortage highlighted by 4,500 vacancies
@Liquid_Snake: Naprawde staram sie precyzyjnie dobierac tagi. To jest akurat gielda pracy dla bardzo szeroko pojetego IT. Sam bardzo ubolewam ze nie da sie tym zartzadzac w jakis sprytniejszy sposob i jakies 50% powiadomien mnie nei interesuje tak naprawde....