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Przeczytane na #reddit o #internet w #japonia :/

It's true, and sad. Here in Japan a 1gbps fiber line costs anywhere from $30-$50 a month depending on which ISP you choose. That's right, you can choose your ISP and there are dozens. Most of them also give you a hefty sign up bonus ranging from $200 cashback (my first signup gave me this) to getting massive discounts off your bill for x amount of months. My friend is paying 3 cents a month for 1 year because of his signup bonus.
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@rzet: u nas nie ma takich cashbackow, aczkolwiek ceny internetu nie sa wysokie w umowe na pol roku 250mb/s za 90 zl nie jest duzo, jeszcze niedawno upc przyspieszalo internet do 500 w ramach testu za friko.
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