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Co tam słychać w kacapistanie? Ano spadły trochę zyski Gazpromu w zeszłym roku:

Gazprom's 2023 group core earnings set to drop almost 40%

Na reddicie piszą że spadki są jednak dużo większe przez dewaluacją rubla:

Because the rouble devaluated significantly from 2022 to 2023,the drop in revenues of Gazprom ,in dollars, is far larger. in 2022 they earned 3.6 trillion roubles, which at the exchange rates in second half of year would mean 60 billion dollars. in 2023 they earned 2.2 trillion roubles,which at current exchange rates is 24 billion dollars, so the revenue in dollars fell by 60% from 2022 to 2023 and that's earnings. Profits likely dropped 80-85% or even more.
