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Zainspirowany @LadyRaspberry (myślałby kto) napisałem szablon wiadomości do supportu streamable.

Wiadomość wysyłamy #!$%@? na support@streamable.com

W odpowiednim miejscu wklejamy URL do swojego profilu. Ustawmy w opisie profilu "BRING QAWODD BACK"

Dear Support,

I am reaching out to you as I have noticed that you deleted today a video that could be found at the following URL: https://streamable.com/qawodd.

It states there that the video violated your Terms of Service. May I know which one specifically?

I am writing on behalf of the wykop.pl community (a Polish social network, akin to Reddit). I mention this because the video from "qawodd" has become somewhat of an anthem for our community. We habitually shared it, and now we feel that we've lost a part of our identity.

The artist in the given video is Dawid Ozdoba, who is our idol and a true symbol of our community. Sadly, he passed away last year, and the Qawodd song turned into a particular memento of Ozdóbka (as we affectionately call him).

Therefore, I kindly ask that you reinstate this video as it holds significant importance for many people, and I firmly believe it is not harmful to anyone.

To assure you of my pure and sincere intentions, I am including the URL to my profile on Wykop.pl:


Last but not least I would like to inform you that many Wykop users learnt about Streamable owing to QAWODD and that's became the reason for using your service later.

Best Regards

Jeśli ktoś zauważy błędy albo ma pomysł na lepszą treść, to bardzo proszę.

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