Wpis z mikrobloga

#mstarzecnews #webdev #coding #nodejs #javascript #go #rustlang #it #bash #aws #apple #windows #electronics

## JS/Web:
- Astro is a website build tool for the modern web - https://astro.build
- Ppen-source JavaScript web desktop platform with a window manager, application APIs, GUI toolkit, filesystem abstractions and much more. - https://www.os-js.org
- Web app to desktop app in minutes - https://www.todesktop.com
- 15 Terrible Advice for Web Developers - https://fadamakis.com/15-terrible-advice-for-web-developers-e821e95f5d18
- Trigger functions or evaluate cron expressions in JavaScript or TypeScript. - https://github.com/Hexagon/croner
- Migrating from Puppeteer to Playwright- https://www.checklyhq.com/guides/puppeteer-to-playwright/
- Replacing an internal Node.js module with a native Rust module made a x25 perf boost - https://gal.hagever.com/posts/my-node-js-is-a-bit-rusty
- Deno vs. Bun vs. Node.js - https://dev.hexagon.56k.guru/posts/deno-vs-bun-vs-node/

## Rust:
- Experimental OS, built with rust - https://github.com/Ruddle/Fomos

## Coding:
- Learning Zig - https://www.openmymind.net/learning_zig/

## AI/ML:
- Doctor GPT - https://github.com/llSourcell/DoctorGPT
- Asking GPT-4 to draw a unicorn every day to track changes in the model. - https://gpt-unicorn.adamkdean.co.uk
- Inside the AI Porn Marketplace Where Everything and Everyone Is for Sale - https://www.404media.co/inside-the-ai-porn-marketplace-where-everything-and-everyone-is-for-sale/

## Kubernetes/Docker:
- Helm compose - https://seacrew.github.io/helm-compose/1.1/
- 10 Secrets to Improve Your Dockerfile - https://aws.plainenglish.io/10-secrets-to-improve-your-dockerfile-40ac54aa5bf2

## Cloud/CDN:
- How much would AWS cost for Amazon Prime Day - https://www.lastweekinaws.com/blog/the-amazon-prime-day-2023-aws-bill/
- Grave flaws in BGP Error handling - https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/post/bgp-path-attributes-grave-error-handling
- Terraform Hidden Gems! Secret Rotation with time_rotating - https://medium.com/cloud-native-daily/terraform-hidden-gems-secret-rotation-with-time-rotating-72ae8683ef7f
- Overkill Home Lab - "VM's and Containers I am Running" - https://blog.networkprofile.org/vms-and-containers-i-am-running-2023/
- Open-source for of Terraform - HashiCorp switched Terraform from an open source license to the Business Source License (BSL) - https://github.com/opentffoundation/opentf
- 25 Gbit/s at home, part 1 - https://boredengineer.medium.com/25-gbit-s-at-home-part-1-98ff1013e32d

## Linux/Unix:
- Learn where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel network flow. - https://github.com/leandromoreira/linux-network-performance-parameters
- ZFS for dummies - https://ikrima.dev/dev-notes/homelab/zfs-for-dummies/
- How does linux nat a ping - https://devnonsense.com/posts/how-does-linux-nat-a-ping/

## Apple:
- Apple anti-repair tactics - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fLEOiQdDkzk
- Apple finally put USB-C in the new iPhone, and now we know why it's limited to 23-year-old USB 2.0 speeds - https://www.pcgamer.com/apple-finally-put-usb-c-in-the-new-iphone-but-its-inexplicably-limited-to-23-year-old-usb-20-speeds/
- The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are the first smartphones with Thread - https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/12/23870522/iphone-15-pro-max-thread-smartphones
- https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/14/23871781/apple-iphone-15-pro-thread-radio-bluetooth

## Software/Services:
- Online PDF tools - https://www.pdftool.org/en
- FFmpeg Explorer - https://ffmpeg.lav.io
- A minimalistic cross platform eBook reader - https://github.com/btpf/Alexandria
- An offline Windows app that helps developers in daily tasks. Similar to dev-tools app - https://devtoys.app
- Send push notifications to your phone or desktop via PUT/POST - https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy

## Electronics:
- 16-bit Serial Homebrew CPU - https://www.jiristepanovsky.cz/project.php?p=23cpu
- Here's What Happens When a Carpenter does Electronics - https://youtu.be/7FRhn0OVD28?si=UWSkdZJ4ZCd5L4eM
- The Rigol DHO800 might very well be a revolution in the entry level oscilloscope market. Will Rigol DHO800 replace DS1054z? - https://www.eevblog.com/2023/09/01/website-exclusive-rigol-hdo800-oscilloscope-unboxing/
- Cyberdeck Challenge in 2023 - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/07/2023-cyberdeck-challenge-the-best-decks-on-the-net/
- Wireless Communication with a Cup of Balls, Coherer Effect - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMkdnj698-0
- All about usb-c: example circuits - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/07/all-about-usb-c-example-circuits/
- Cheap lcd uses usb serial - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/11/cheap-lcd-uses-usb-serial/
- A digital logic simulator - http://boolr.me
- Coin-sized Linux Computer - https://vocore.io/#store

## IT:
- The Scarcest Thing in the World - https://www.honest-broker.com/p/the-scarcest-thing-in-the-world
- A falsehood is an idea that you initially believed was true, but in reality, it is proven to be false - https://github.com/kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood
- Exploring EXIF - https://hturan.com/writing/exploring-exif

## Other:
- Unlocking Discord Nitro Features for Free - https://blog.0x7d0.dev/history/unlocking-discord-nitro-features-for-free
- Every Type of Plastic Used By LEGO - https://bricknerd.com/home/every-type-of-plastic-used-by-lego-5-20-22
- A powerful, low-profile, split ergonomic keyboard - https://www.zsa.io/voyager/
- why wired? - https://www.zsa.io/wireless/
- Making dry ice at home is just as hard as it sounds - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/10/making-dry-ice-at-home-is-just-as-hard-as-it-sounds/
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