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When does TikTok permanently ban accounts?
༚ Create or use another TikTok account to intentionally avoid restrictions or a permanent ban imposed on another account.


Skoro mają teraz ograniczenia na innym koncie to chyba pchają się w gips, jeśli zgłosi to odpowiednia ilość osób ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

#danielmagical #patostreamy
  • 4
@qmato: @gigachad_has_entered_the_chat

Ban avoidance.

User Daniel Zwierzyński (https://www.tiktok.com/@goha_magical) is using another account (https://www.tiktok.com/@nikamagical) to avoid lastly charged livestreaming restrictions. He used to perform similar actions on Youtube, which resulted in permanent ban all of his accounts.

I'm referring here to https://support.tiktok.com/en/safety-hc/account-and-user-safety/content-violations-and-bans with great highlighting of point 3. which contains " Create or use another TikTok account to intentionally avoid restrictions or a permanent ban imposed on another account."
