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#rosja #wojna #ukraina #wojsko #usa

U.S. announces $1.85B in new aide for Ukraine through PDA, plus $850M under USAI. Includes first-ever transfer to Ukraine of the Patriot missile defense system and Joint Direct Attack Munitions guidance kits

In USAI package:
-45,000 152mm artillery rounds;
-20,000 122mm artillery rounds;
-50,000 122mm GRAD rockets;
-100,000 rounds of 125mm tank ammunition;
-SATCOM terminals and services;
-Funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment.

Big capabilities in this PDA:
-One Patriot battery and munitions;
-HIMARS ammo
-500 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds;
-10 120mm mortar systems and 10,000 120mm mortar rounds;
-10 82mm mortar systems;
-10 60mm mortar systems;
-37 Cougar MRAPs
-120 HMMWVs
-6 armored utility trucks;
-HARM missiles -Precision aerial munitions;
-Over 2,700 grenade launchers and small arms; -Claymore anti-personnel munitions;
-Demolition munitions
-Night vision devices and optics;
-Tactical secure communications systems;
-Body armor
ArtBrut - #rosja #wojna #ukraina #wojsko #usa

U.S. announces $1.85B in new aide for ...

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  • 25
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-45,000 152mm artillery rounds;

-20,000 122mm artillery rounds;

-50,000 122mm GRAD rockets;

@ArtBrut: Coś mi mówi że pomniejsi szatani w ten deal są zamieszani
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One Patriot battery and munitions

Chodzi o jedną wyrzutnie czy kilka, które wchodzą w skład jednego zestawu?

Tam kurczak od czołgów gadał, że 1 system oznacza 2 albo 3 wyrzutnie + jakiś radar czy radary...
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