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Poland and Lithuania would receive most of the radioactive cloud. Depending on how much of the material was exposed to the air, capital cities like Warsaw or Vilnius would need to be evacuated.

Millions would be affected by an accident far larger than Chernobyl — which was already considerable and caused birth defects even here in Poland.
#ukraina #rosja
PrawieJakBordo - Poland and Lithuania would receive most of the radioactive cloud. De...
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@PrawieJakBordo: No wiadomo, w końcu po Czarnobylu to umarli wszyscy ludzie w promieniu 10 kilometrów w ciągu sekundy, a od chmury radiacyjnej kolejne miliony na Białorusi, Szwecji, Polsce, Litwie ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º). A po Hiroszimie to już w ogóle, Japonia nigdy się nie podźwignęła ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)
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