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Jak być może część z was wie, Komisja Europejska chce wymusić skanowanie przesyłanych wiadomości oraz zdjęć, rzekomo w celu ochrony dzieci.

Ostatnio wyciekł dokument gdzie Komisja Europejska dopuszcza 10% tzw. fałszywych pozytywów, czyli treści fałszywie sklasyfikowanych jako pornografia dziecięca.


To GER Question 7: How mature are state-of-the-art technologies to avoid false positive hits? What proportion of false positive hits can be expected when technologies are used to detect grooming? In order to reduce false positive hits, does COM deem it necessary to stipulate that hits are only disclosed if the method meets certain parameters (e.g., a hit probability of 99.9% that the content in question is appropriate)?

KOM emphasized that there are suitable technologies, some of which have been in use for years (e.g. PhotoDNA). The accuracy of grooming detection technology is around 90%. This means that 9 out of 10 contents recognized by the system are grooming. False-positive reports would then be recognized and filtered out by the EU center. KOM did not make any numerical determinations in order to ensure openness to technology and progress.

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