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Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza aka Francesca Von Habsburg. Członkini super-elitarnego Klubu 1001, w książeczce Epsteina, przyjaciółka Ghislaine Maxwell/Mariny Abramovic.

Również przyjaciółka Jan Rotshchild (przyjaciółka Podestow, Jamesa Alefantisa, Victorii Reis), Bianci Jagger ( były mąż w black book Epsteina, przyjaciółka siostry Nory Maccoby - Annie Maccoby (rodzina która przyjaźni się głęboko z Jamesem i zna rzekomą ofiarę elitarnej siatki pedofilów - Anneke Lucas )) Francesca również znajomą Johna Waters z kręgu Jamesa.


The 1001 Club emerged out of the Bilderberg/Steering committee during the late 1960s, centered around the chairman of that group, Bernhard von Biesterfeld.

Warto podkreślić, ze czlonkami klubu byli tez czlonkowie jej oryginalnej rodziny Thyssen Bornemisza:





Co ciekawe na wszystkich trzech listach jest tez Leopold Lippens, ktory byl oskarzany w Belgii przez swiadkow X o pedofilie, tortury i generalnie udzial w sieci mordercow.




Count Leopold Lippens

From Belgium. Brother of Maurice Lippens, who is one of two or three most influential bankers of Belgium, and an occasional visitor of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. At least three members of the Lippens family, including the two brothers, have been accused by about half a dozen witnesses of extremely sadistic child abuse. Other past and present Belgian 1001 Club members as Baron Daniel Janssen, the Blaton family, Charly De Pauw, and Pierre Solvay have have also been accused directly or indirectly. Leopold's sister Marie also became a member of the 1001 in 1988.

Zrodlo: https://isgp-studies.com/1001-club-of-the-wwf

Bracia Lippens w publikacji o sieci Dutroux, jest tez Axel Vervoordt, ktory jest powiazany z mailami Podesty, Marina Abramovic i Jamesem Alefantisem:


Zrodlo: https://ia801803.us.archive.org/14/items/dutroux-x-dossiers-accused-overview-isgp-2007/dutroux-x-dossiers-accused-overview-isgp-2007.pdf

Powyzsze ma oparcie w ponizszej ksiazce, ktora jednak ze wzgledow oczywistych nie nazywala wszystkich ludzi:


Tu powrot do pdfu od ISGP:

Count Leopold


b. 1941 Source(s):

*) X1 (brothers were among her worst rapists and torturers);

*) X2 (brothers raped her and were present at child huntings at Chateau de


*) X4 (Lippens family: 1999, The X-Files, p. 327: "Soon in the investigation the

names of politicians O. and E. are dropped as 'regular customers'. By that

time these had already been pointed out by X1 and X3 as child killers.".

Following the system used by the book (reversing of the alphabet), O. is really

L. and E. is really V., indicating that the real names are Leopold Lippens

(mayor) and Paul Vanden Boeynants (prime minister, etc.). There do not seem

to be other possibilities. Only problem: according to the leaked X-dossier

summary document, X1 and X2 mentioned Lippens and Vanden Boeynants,

while X3 only mentioned Vanden Boeynants);

Two anonymous letters, mentioned in PV 116.353.

Brother of the very influential businessman Maurice Lippens. His father

was an enthusiastic follower of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French

mystical Jesuit priest who advocated the theory of a global consciousness

and how nation states should be abolished. Another thing Teilhard tried

to do was to bridge the gap between Darwinism and the Catholic faith.

The father of the Lippens brothers gave lectures about Chardin and was

a member of the Teilhard Society. Chardin joined the duc in altum of the

Benedictines. President of the Royal Zoute Golf Club. Mayor of Knokke-

Heist 1979-2004. This town is a very exclusive coastal holiday resort with

a nature reserve, 65 tennis courts, and loads of 5-star hotels. Many

streets in Knokke-Heist are named after aristocrats or ancestors of the

royal family. Leopold had plans to build a 100 meter or 300 feet high

casino before he would leave his post, but the residents of the town were

against it (would block the sun for some of them). In April 2002, when

boarding a plane for an official visit to Denmark, he was questioned by

the airport security who found two bullets in one of his pockets. Said he

probably forgot to take them out after a hunting trip. Leopold is a really

good friend of Albert Frère. They regularly play golf with each other and

go out hunting. Anno 2006, director of Compagnie du Zoute in Knokke,

together with Maurice, Paul and Nadine Lippens, and Count Guillaume

d'Arschot Schoonhoven.

Brat ...

Count Maurice
b. 1943 Source(s):

*) X1 (brothers were among her worst rapists and torturers);

*) X2 (brothers raped her and were present at child huntings at Chateau de


*) X4 (Lippens family: 1999, The X-Dossiers, p. 327: "Soon in the investigation

the names of politicians O. and E. are dropped as 'regular customers'. By that

time these had already been pointed out by X1 and X3 as child killers.".

Following the system used by the book (reversing of the alphabet), O. is really

L. and E. is really V., indicating that the real names are Leopold Lippens

(mayor) and Vanden Boeynants (prime minister, etc.). There do not seem to

be other possibilities. Only problem: according to the leaked X-Files summarye

document, X1 and X2 mentioned Lippens and Vanden Boeynants, while X3

only mentioned Vanden Boeynants);

Two anonymous letters, mentioned in PV 116.353.

Powiazania kregu Jamesa z Axelem Vervoordtem:



Tutaj artykul o braciach Lippens:


Powiazanie miedzy Habsburgami, Axelem Vervoordtem, Marina Abramovic, klubem 1001 i Leopoldem Lippens wspomniane rowniez tutaj:


One bizarre connection is that Count Yann de Meeus d’Argenteuil gave a list in 1999 of individuals he accused of being involved in trafficking of children and drugs. On the list were many men connected to those in the X-dossiers. However, on the list was a man named Axel Vervoordt, who owns or owned a castle next door to Caslte Kattenhof. The really bizarre thing is that not only has Vervoordt been accused of homosexual pedophilia, but he is good friends of Marina Abramovic, the notorious Rockefeller-backed spirit cooker, which includes all kinds of mock Satanic, child sacrifice and cannibalistic perform sessions. Vervoordt is a well respected art dealer and began his career as an art and antique dealer in the late 1960s. By 1986, he moved his company to the caslte he owned in s’ Gravenwezel, next door to Castle Kattenhof. Vervoordt’s clients has consisted of extremely rich businessmen from around Europe and the United States. Some of them include a certain Sting, Bill Gates and Madonna, reportedly also Rothschilds, Saudi royals, Otto von Habsburg and Hans Melchers. To take this list one step further, it is interesting to note that Abramovic has friends in common with Jeffrey Epstein, in whose black book phone numbers could be found for a few members of the Rothschild family and two members of the Habsburg family, including a daughter-in-law of Otto von Habsburgs, Francesca Von Habsburg, who was a member of the 1001 Club and a friend of Marina Abramovic. Count Leopold Lippens just so happened to also be a member of the 1001 Club and Epstein’s block book happens to be filled with members of the 1001 Club and connections back to it. It also happens that Abramovic has performed for Queen Beatrix, of the House of Orange, which include the founder of the 1001 Club, Prince Bernhard of Orange, who has been accused of child abuse along with the Dutch royal family have other connections to child abuse networks. It also appears that through the Venice Biennale, Vervoordt, Abramovic and the brother of John Podesta, Tony Podesta may all very well know each other.




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