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The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
#muzyka #smashingpumpkins
Powrót do #90s .

W komentarzach na YT
"So far, music is the closest thing we've got to a time machine."

"This song is the definition of nostalgia. I miss when I was younger, and I wish I could’ve cherished the time I had before I lost my chance. I’m pretty sure this is something we all deal with. As kids we wish we were older to be able to do what we want, but never realize that all we want is already there."

"I feel sorry for anyone that didn’t experience the 90s. The last decade before the internet took over the world, and music was everything"

"i wish i could’ve experienced being a teen in the 90s, life without the internet sounds amazing my god"
svenHan - The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
#muzyka #smashingpumpkins 
Powrót do #90s . ...
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