Wpis z mikrobloga

So, here’s the thing. These BDs kinda sucked. Or at least didn’t meet expectations. Typical anime BDs are ~7GB/episode… The first part of the Final Season got 4-5GB/episode. This was despite each disc having >20GB free on each one. So despite being a super action heavy show and a quite detailed season, they dropped the bitrate. To preserve more of what was there, I bloated it a bit until I was happy with it.

Echa produkcji Tytanów odbijają się nawet w wydaniu na blurejkach. ;d Ponoć też mało poprawili.

Rozmiary epizodów w x264 https://nyaa.si/view/1421737
x265 https://nyaa.si/view/1421739


#shingekinokyojin #attackontitan #aot #snk #animedyskusja
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