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@Fajrantboy: @adriano30: tylko dodam, bo pewnie zaraz pojawia się pytania "I can confirm today from 19 July UK residents who are fully vaccinated through the UK vaccine rollout will no longer have to self-isolate when they return to England."

They will still have to take a pre-departure test three days before they go and a PCR test on or before day two. He says this applies to people 14 days
@Fajrantboy: Kurcze, niby rzadowa strona mowi ze pre-departure test nie musi byc PCR

Type of test

You must make sure that the test provider you choose can meet the standards for pre-departure testing.

The test must meet performance standards of ≥97% specificity, ≥80% sensitivity at viral loads above 100,000 copies/ml.

This could include tests such as:

a nucleic acid test, including a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or derivative technologies, including