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Jak Sewilla stała się miastem rowerzystów <<< znalezisko
Hiszpańskie miasto zaprojektowała i wybudowało zintegrowaną, 50 milową sieć dróg rowerowych w okresie dwóch lat. Kosztowało to 5 tysięcy miejsc parkingowych i 32 miliony dolarów. Doprowadziło to do transformacji społeczeństwa i zwiększyło 11-krotnie liczbę podróży rowerami w cztery lata. [ENG]

(...) Despite the detail of this design, we built quickly, and this was critical to our success. This first phase was constructed in less than two years during 2006 and 2007 — which meant that not just a few lanes but a whole network was under operation in a way that was not just quick, but complete. Our project was the network, not having pieces of unconnected bike lanes here and there. This is very important, and the main lesson of Seville’s success: Make a whole, basic, and comprehensive network and build it fast.

Two or three years later, this basic network was completed with the second wave of construction, increasing the total size of the network to 75 miles. Further developments have been undertaken since, and now Seville hosts a 112-mile network.

The result of this infrastructure building process was a parallel growth in cycling mobility. The number of cycling trips on a working day increased from approximately 13,000 to a peak of 72,000 — a 452 percent increase — in just three years. This came with a huge safety boon: Cycling in the city is twice as safe as it was when cycling infrastructure was nonexistent.

#europa #hiszpania #rower #infrastruktura #urbanistyka
BaronAlvon_PuciPusia - Jak Sewilla stała się miastem rowerzystów <<< znalezisko 

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