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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to aggrieve - zasmucać [to make someone unhappy and angry]
Years later, this unfairness still aggrieves him.
thicket - gąszcz [an area of trees and bushes growing closely together]
He spent the morning trying to work his way through a thicket of statistics.
bedchamber - sypialnia [old use; a bedroom]
This film about Henry VIII is set, almost entirely, in the king's bedchamber.
to shear - strzyc [to cut the wool off a sheep]
It was time for the sheep to be shorn.
dregs - fusy [the small solid pieces that sink to the bottom of some liquids, such as wine or coffee, that are not usually drunk]
I wanted a last drink of coffee, but there were only dregs left.
frostbite - odmrożenie [injury to someone caused by severe cold, usually to their toes, fingers, ears, or nose, that causes permanent loss of tissue]
The climbers were all suffering from frostbite.
to grin - uśmiechać się szeroko [to smile widely]
They grinned with delight when they heard our news.
redemption - odkupienie, wybawienie [being saved from evil, especially according to the Christian religion]
Others find in the gospel of redemption the true theodicy.
slack - luźny, niedbały [not putting enough care, attention, or energy into something and so not doing it well enough]
Discipline in the classroom is very slack. He's been very slack in his work lately.
conscience - sumienie [the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you feel guilty about bad things that you have done or things you feel responsible for]
My conscience would really bother me if I wore a fur coat.
bonus - idiom
chip on your shoulder
If someone has achip on their shoulder, the feel resentful because they feel they are being treated unfairly, especially because of their background, their sex or their colour.
He's got a chip on his shoulder because he's from a working-class family.


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