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via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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#gypsycrusader Update od #catboykami:

My statement on the recent slander:

The feds did not raid me for CP, I know what they raided me for (it says on the warrant).
I'm happy to go over the details of the investigation when it is over.

I made a post saying that doxing right wingers is bad, gyppo responded by posting my dox.
I suggested that sending other people your dox is unsafe.
Gyppo could have responded by trying to find a way to make money off its fans without risking their safety. Instead, Gyppo responded by calling me a pedophile and a jew.

At best, this is the actions of someone who doesn't care about their fans safety, only money.
At worst, this is the actions of an informant.

People are getting raided more and more every day since January.
Things are accelerating.
There are only two possible scenarios:
1. Gyppo gets raided one day and all of its devices with everyone's doxxes are taken
2. Gyppo is never raided because it's selling/giving the info to the feds and probably antifa already

Ps. I'm putting out a public offer to do a live streamed cage match with Gyppo, if it doesn't accept it's a pussy.
Someone has already offered to put up a $10k prize for the winner.
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via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
  • 5
@dracul: @Rookie34: kami powiedział innemu streamerowi (#codcomedytj ) żeby uważał na cygana bo to fed, który zbiera dane sprzedajac ludziom merch i jako nieliczny nie miał wjazdu na chatę. TJ powiedział to cyganowi, cygan zaczął najeżdżać na kamiego że jest pedziem itd
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