Wpis z mikrobloga

welcome welcome, from this side Tiger,
generally it makes me laugh, of this type
that Joseph Merchant, with this dick-knows-who
that fagot, no, I said, bald cock
that I in dumpster, that I in dumpster dived
fuuuuuuck, what are you saying
oh yes, I forgot, fame you wanna drink, yes?
mmmm, that isssss itttttt
you gammon one, you Joseph Merchant fuck, from ass pulled out
you really need to be fucked up in the head like you
but, fuck you, enough said
ah yes, gammon
you look like a gammon, fucking gammon
and with these glass, glasses, fuck, gammon
tell me when you saw gammon with glasses
probably only fucking you, Joseph Merchant, probably you fuck
probably yes
such gammon
fuck, one needs to be a fagot like him
such gammon with glassers... glasses
fuck me
ah yes, take this, go to gym
gain, lose some weight
cuz, if you're gonna gain, you'll be shit, not human
lose some weight dude, because you look... not nice
gammon, with glasses
khyyyy... is funny,
to this day I have a laugh up to puffs

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