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Ważny element składowy życia - glicyna - może powstać bez pomocy energii gwiazd.

TL;DR ze znaleziska:

Międzynarodowy zespół naukowców, bazując na danych z analizy komy komety 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, a także próbkach materiału komety 81P/Wild z misji Stardust, wykazał w eksperymencie przeprowadzonym w Laboratory for Astrophysics at Leiden Observatory, że glicyna - jeden z podstawowych elementów składowych życia - może powstawać w zimnym medium międzygwiazdowym, bez udziału promieniowania rentgenowskiego - jak wcześniej przypuszczano.

The scientists first showed methylamine, the precursor species of glycine that was detected in the coma of the comet 67P, could form. Then, using a unique ultra-high vacuum setup, equipped with a series of atomic beam lines and accurate diagnostic tools, they were able to confirm glycine could also be formed, and that the presence of water ice was essential in this process.

Further investigation using Astrochemical models confirmed the experimental results and allowed the researchers to extrapolate data obtained on a typical laboratory timescale of just one day to interstellar conditions, bridging millions of years. “From this we find that low but substantial amounts of glycine can be formed in space with time,” said Professor Herma Cuppen from Radboud University, Nijmegen, who was responsible for some of the modelling studies within the paper.

Eksperyment ten sugeruje, że związki tj. glicyna mogą formować się na długo przed powstaniem gwiazdy czy planet.

“The important conclusion from this work is that molecules that are considered building blocks of life already form at a stage that is well before the start of star and planet formation,” said Harold Linnartz, Director of the Laboratory for Astrophysics at Leiden Observatory. “Such an early formation of glycine in the evolution of star-forming regions implies that this amino acid can be formed more ubiquitously in space and is preserved in the bulk of ice before inclusion in comets and planetesimals that make up the material from which ultimately planets are

Źródła bezpośrednio:

1. Building blocks of life can form long before stars

2. A non-energetic mechanism for glycine formation in the interstellar medium

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Fake_R - Ważny element składowy życia - glicyna - może powstać bez pomocy energii gwi...

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