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au pair - opiekunka do dziecka [a foreign person, usually a young woman, who lives with a family in order to learn their language and who takes care of the children or cleans the house in return for meals, a room, and a small payment]
/ˌoʊ ˈper/
She worked in Paris for six months as an au pair.
to affix - przymocować, dołączać [formal; to fasten or stick one thing to another]
She affixed a stamp to the envelope.
despondent - przybity [unhappy and with no hope or enthusiasm]
She started to feel despondent about ever finding a job.
to solicit - zabiegać o, ubiegać się [to ask someone for money, information, or help]
He’s soliciting funds to keep the library open.
resounding - tubalny
Supporters gave the team three resounding cheers.
to profess - utrzymywać, wyznawać, twierdzić [to state something, sometimes in a way that is not sincere]
She still professes her innocence.
to put forward - wysunąć propozycję [to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider]
/pʊt ˈfɔːwəd/
He has put himself forward for a place on the national executive.
poacher - kłusownik
Poachers hunt and kill the rhinos for their horns.
roost - grzęda [a place, such as a branch of a tree, where birds rest or sleep]
The animals also tended to use certain species of trees as roosts.
enmity - wrogość [a feeling of hate]
She denied any personal enmity towards him.
ravine - wąwóz [a deep narrow valley with steep sides]
The track continued along the bottom of the ravine.
abode - miejsce zamieszkania [formal; the place where someone lives]
/ /əˈboʊd/
You are most welcome to my humble abode.
gruesome - makabryczny [very unpleasant and filling you with horror, usually because it is connected with death or injury]
The newspaper article included a gruesome description of the murder.
perpetrator - sprawca
The perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals.
overdue - zaległy, spóźniony [not done or happening when expected or when needed; late]
My library books are a week overdue.
bonus - idiom
bite the bullet
If you bite the bullet, you accept something unpleasant because you cannot avoid it.
If you don't have health insurance, you have to bite the bullet and pay the hospital fees.

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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

au pair - opiekunka do dziecka [a foreign p...

źródło: comment_1604120468hp1WSATogCgY5giLNXNUXH.jpg

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@bslawek: w każdą sobotę wrzucam link do talii z całego tygodnia (105 słów), za 2 tygodnie wrzucę też talię zawierającą wszystkie ~1000 słów, które będą do tego czasu opublikowane
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