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Pomoc potrzebna - dostałam dziś od znajomych z pracy z Litwy przerażające informacje dotyczące sytuacji zwierząt tam. Czy znacie kogoś kto mógłby pomoc, szczególnie żeby sytuacja nabrała rozgłosu? Poniżej wklejam dokładna treść wiadomości #pomoc #zwierzaki #psy #litwa #help On September 3rd a dog went missing in Lithuania, Kretinga. While the owners were looking for the dog, they heard barking coming from a building near by. They managed to look through the window and saw that their dog and many others are trapped in cages. There were around 18 dogs. Since the door wasn’t locked, they went inside to get their dog. Most dogs were in small cages, some of them didn’t even fit to fully stand up. There was no food or water for dogs, you could smell poop and pee. Some of them looked ill, were covered in blood. Dogs were dirty, trapped in cages, surrounded by their own feces.
Since some of the dogs were puppies, it’s definitely a puppy mill, the woman was selling them on the internet as breed puppies. Police were called, but couldn’t help with anything. Next day a group of people went to that place with police and media. After 6 hours of negotiations, they managed to get the dogs from that woman. But even then, some of the dogs were missing from the day before. She either moved them to a different place or simply killed them. By the Lithuanian law she wasn’t doing anything bad and condition of the dogs were good(even though they were not fed, had no water and was sitting in their on feces). All of the dogs went to a shelter. Most of them are microchipped under different names, meaning they don’t belong to that woman( her name is Inga Auryliene) and that they are stolen. She was stealing dogs, keeping them in cages and breeding in such a horrible conditions.
Another incident happended not far away from Vilnius, in a small city called Širvintos, group of people found an awful looking farm with a lot of dogs, horses and the owner(his name Algis Usackas) of the farm even had a Camel next to his house after looking out through the farm area it was covered only in mud, animal corpses, poop and the smell throughout whole farm was just awful. The dogs were stressed really bad, when the owner of the farm enters the cage most of the dogs starts running away from him that makes us think that animals were abused phyiscally and mentally, they were starving, we managed to give them a bit of food and water through the metal fence as the owner didn't wanted us to feed or drink them as he stated that the greenish ''bathtub'' is okay that the animals would drink water from it. The people were gathering around that area from all around Lithuania, the farm was located about 2km from owner's house. We started also checking out what's happening in his house yard, we saw a lot of dogs such Akita's, Samoyed's, German Shephards, even exotic animals, ducks, ducklings and other breeds, animals and we could hear puppies from his basement. Also, this morning in the farm area we have found lot's of bags with dead puppies and bones....
Throughout 72 hours hundreds of volunteers have started looking for the other sheds around the country and found many more while at the same time the horrible was trying to move the dogs, hide them and even burned some of them alive! Yes, you read that right!!! Volunteers found fresh remains around those areas. Around 200 dogs have now been found and it’s not stopping, it is believed that some dogs could be stoled from Ireland too.
The State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) don’t think that conditions were bad. If we won’t get coverage from other countries, these cases will die, Inga Auryliene, Algis Usackas will get a small fine and will still abuse and breed dogs in such awful conditions. We need a change in our laws, to protect animals, not go against them.Me and my friends spent a night until today's morning in the farm area and next to the Algis Usackas house that they wouldn't hide or do anything bad to the dogs, puppies or other animals as the Police didn't allow us to take the animals to the shelters where they could feel safe.
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