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- It's covered sooo fuckin well. No way to see that's a trap.
- Uh-huh. And it's supposed to be natural, that there's a circle of sticks, out of nowhere, in the middle of meadow? It's obvious someone was tinkering here. For fuck's sake, I was working my ass off here with this shovel. No way something will fall into this!
- Whatheva, Remmy. You're as good in hunting as whores in poetry. Gimme at least three reasons to loiter like this.
- Can't see a shit, noone's walking here, I'm cold. Should I keep on it?
- Well, yeah, it is a bit fucking freezing. But we need something to eat. All right! Just toss a bit of millet as a bait…
- Vic, fucking hell, I can't take it! Who the fuck eats MILLET?
- A pig.
- Have you ever seen A PIG?
- Yep, in baby's book.
- Exactly, for fuck's sake, and baby's books are full of bullshit. It's all made up, have you ever seen the sun with a smile and a dick? Pigs DO NOT exist! Why the fuck did I even agreed to this. I'm going to get some chinese food.
- Oh yeah? We will see what's better, "spicee chikun" or pig! Fuck you too… you wanker.

#kapitanbomba #captainbomb #heheszki
flecker - - It's covered sooo fuckin well. No way to see that's a trap.
- Uh-huh. An...

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@Tervaskanto: błędy na które nawet native w mowie potocznej by nie zwrócił uwagi a ZAWSZE ale to ZAWSZE znajdzie się polaczek z B2 który się do takich bzdur #!$%@?, bo przecież nie po to chodził do szkoły językowej całe liceum żeby teraz nie przykozaczyc