Wpis z mikrobloga

pewnie i tak nigdy nie spotka się z nutami, więc jako podsumowanie ostatnich przemyśleń, publikuję tutaj. a co mi tam. na pracowitego tygodnia początek.

again the feeling of scorching sun
again the smell of futility in air
and all around
is the same worthless sand

follow your fate! put the another brick!
keep carrying on! build your own, better world!

immensity of useless mass
spilling out of hands
wherever you look
there are just heaps of nonsense

follow your fate! put the another brick!
keep carrying on! cover the reality!
follow your fate! put the another brick!
keep carrying on! build this fuckin' wall!

spread your wings
throw out all fears
fly away...


again the feeling of scorching sun
again the smell of futility in air
and all around
is the same worthless sand

everything you done will be destroyed
every your trace will disappear
every your sentence will die in silence
everything is the same worthless sand

follow your fate! put the another brick!
keep carrying on! build your own, better world!
follow your fate! put the another brick!
keep carrying on! build this fuckin' wall!

#poezja #tworczoscwlasna #determinizm #opilkiselera
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