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#krotkofalarstwo #rtty #arduino #hamradio #esp8266 #cc1101 #cc2500 #nrf24l01

Szukam sobie w sieci jak tu zrobić dekoder - nadajnik RTTY na esp8266+cc1101 (ewentualnie inne) wraz z pseudo analizatorem widma i znajduję coś takiego:

I have a soft spot for RTTY as it was my first project that I ever sold. It was back in 1975 and before the days of micro processors gave you cheap peripherals. It was all done with TTL and produced a video output onto a TV screen. It contained about 40 chips. It was the first time most people had seen writing on a TV and they complained about the vertical scrolling it did.

Anyway this is certainly a lot simpler than my effort,
well done again.

(wszelkie sugestie wskazane)
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