Aktywne Wpisy
maupishoon +2
Jest tu ktoś kto wyemigrował i zerwał kontakt z rodzicami? Mam bardzo przykrą sytuacje w domu. Moim marzeniem jest jak najszybciej, czyli jakoś po studiach pewnie, go opuścić oraz zacząć szukać szczęścia w innych stronach świata. W skrócie to w domu doznałem wiele cierpienia, wychowałem się w atmosferze awantur i wzajemnej nienawiści; codziennie były krzyki i wyzwiska pomiędzy matką skłóconą z teściami, codziennie alkohol, w domu brud i syf, bo tylko ja
abuk123 +20
#przegryw taką chuopską kolacyjke se zrobiłem, idealna do chlania
#rosja #rosjawstajezkolan #polska #rosyjski #historia
33. Propaganda.
Russians honestly do not understand why people in neighboring countries do not like them, even more the hate or at least an irritation seems to be a standard answer of natives on any attempts of dialog from russians. It is hard to understand but the answer is clear, it is simply a size of Russia. When you approached by 120 kg. muscular giant you wouldn't feel comfortable, even if he just want to return you a pen you dropped. A sheer size of Russia is an agression enough, to cease any interactions and try to forget of its existence.
All the news from Russia in Poland preferably must be of a milder kind disasters, ridiculous stupidity, or ubiquitous corruption. It is not so disturbing, have some entertaining value, and, first of all, it allows you to forget that horror, that everyday nightmare, which is always at your doorsteps. Or, you made yourself believe, that it is there. When giant is in a pissed pants, he is not so frightening. But do you tell yourself a truth, or just decieve yourself.
Polish news about Russia, for russian readers are a little underwhelming: some minor details from a life of poor people in a distant region; a news of a grifter from an administration, who get caught or even escaped; plus a regular revelation of the fact so outrages that it would definitely prove that this country is at the end of its tethers, and tomorrow will be gone. And, as in 1918 or 1989, Poland will win aquiring new territories, or growing more wealthy. Ok, you're wellcome, dream and it may even become true, why not, life surprizes.
Would I call these polish evereday delights a lies, no, I will not, in fact we read ten times more and of a greater unnerving quality news in Russia daily, it is even a kind of obsession for some to constantly recieve assurances of a continuing decay. Is it then true, the answer is also "no". The good propaganda is the thing, which telling the true things decieves you in the main questions, that leads to a meaningful negative consequences. It is too simple a thought, and may seems to you a slightly rethorical. After which I will be convincing you not to believe or even to read a bad stories about my country. Not at all, everyone may have his or her fun. I'm even partial to a good scandal myself.
What then. The Big Truths, main questions, as they were mentioned above, which propaganda obscures from your view. Tell you about them in a short form. The two main bonuses, which Poles recieved from a providence or whatever else are 1. Russians still know or care about Poland negligently little, it looks suspicious and more and more artificially designed, but as of today, it is so: normal russian have no opinion on Poland, a blind spot; 2. There is no russians in russian government, it's a secret of polichinelle, but it often is forgotten to be taken into account, so some policies seem counterintuitive to ultra nationalist poles, who tends to disregard them as weakness or stupidity. Those are two things every polish citizen should be thankful about, and pray God to continue.
Of course, it is only if you think, that Russia is your enemy. Because there is the Third, greatest bonus that you have: Russian toddlers talk the same language "mama", "daj" as yours. Plus, there is no physical repulsion, as it is always, repeat always, the case between two different nations, and which can be only subdued by culture or disappear on a level of personal contacts between two people in private life. There always will be a positive interest from russians towards poles, you look familiar and sound intelligible, you do not seem alien, it is quit opposite, like it or not. To reverse or cancell this bonus it will take you a titanic, I will even say ukranian, effort.
Relatives and strangers it is a two different cathegories of people for any man, however their current relations goes. A younger brother has grown to a gargatuan proportions. In a hug he can almost smother you. And what would you do? And now you may lay a littany of complaints on my desk.
Also nwm czy ktoś już ci to pisał, ale wykop służy jako tuba propagandowa dla różnych partii i jak ktoś widzi że piszesz łamaną polszczyzną i wstawiasz obrazki z rosyjskimi podpisami to zwykle z automatu uznają cie za tego słynnego rosyjskiego trolla, albo rosyjski botnet xd
Nie da się ukryć, że Rosja jako państwo jest postrzegana negatywnie ale jeśli chodzi o stosunek do przedstawicieli narodu rosyjskiego jest to bardziej skomplikowane i nieoczywiste (nie wnikając: per saldo jest to stosunek w najgorszym razie neutralny, w każdym razie bardziej pozytywny niż negatywny).
Inna kwestia jest taka, że przez lata trwania ZSRR ( urażonej mocarstwowej dumy z powodu jego upadku do dzisiaj nie możecie zaleczyć co dodatkowo potęguje problem) dmuchaliście do monstrualnych rozmiarów mit własnej potęgi, mit ofiarności, mit pomocy "bratnim narodom" a jak te bratnie narody ten mity zweryfikowały głównie dlatego, że postanowiły uwolnić się od "bratnich" więzi i żyć na własny rachunek to macie żal i pretensje, że nie podzielają waszej wizji historii i pomysłów na ułożenie