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Oceny autosport.com za GP Japonii

Sainz 10
Russel 9
Bottas 8
Ricciardo 8
Gasly 8
Vettel 7
Hamilton 7
Albon 7
Perez 7
Hulkenberg 7
Norris 7
Stroll 6
Kvyat 6
Grosjean 6
Vesrtappen 6
Leclerc 5
Raikkonen 5
Giovinazzi 5
Magnussen 4
Kubica 3


Kubica was slightly faster than Russell on Friday, using Williams's experimental new wing, but grew frustrated when the team took it off for qualifying, against what Kubica felt had been agreed.

A needless Q1 shunt suggested the team's call was right, and his race in the spare chassis was also disappointing.

VERDICT: A weekend ruined by needless crash and political infighting.


Russell was rightly delighted with his qualifying effort. He came within 0.021s of beating Perez's underperforming Racing Point in Q1 and called it his "equal best qualifying of the year", so on a par with Hungary.

He drove well in the race too, but stopped after a constant battle with iffy brakes.

VERDICT: Superb effort in a difficult car on a proper, old-school F1 track.

#f1 #kubica
Pobierz Ghuthek - Oceny autosport.com za GP Japonii

Sainz 10
Russel 9
Bottas 8
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