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I loved all the parallels between this episode and the pilot

The opening shot of the King/Queen arriving with the same music

Arya being a kid watching the King coming vs her letting a kid get a good view of the Queen coming

Jamie arriving at Winterfell taking a Golden Lannister Helmet off showing his blonde hair, clean shaven, and everyone staring at him vs arriving in gray cloaks and taking a hood off to show darker hair and a beard and no one except Bran noticing him

Both episodes ending with Bran and Jamie, except this time Jamie looks scared

Both episodes have amputated limbs from the white walkers spread out in a gory way to send a message

Both episodes have scenes in the Winterfell crypt except instead of visiting Lyanna Stark they are seeing Ned Stark

In the pilot Cersi and Catlyn Stark talk about their kids possibly getting married while looking at them from a distance, while in this episode Varys, Tyrion, and Davos talk about Dany and Jon getting married while looking at them from a distance

The kid from the beginning was climbing on trees to get a good view, similar to Bran climbing the castle to get a good view. From /u/jbongi14 he also looked similar to Bran in the Pilot

in the Pilot all the shots of Winterfell showed the grass but now it’s all snow

From /u/Dawnshroud The reunion of Jon and Arya at the tree is similar to Ned at Catlyn at the tree

From /u/molotov1g ”S1E1's title is "Winter is Coming", S8E1's title is "Winter is Here"” this is not true apparently

From /u/enfinnity there was incest between visiting monarchs

From /u/enfinnity the brothel scene with Bron is similar to Tyrion’s first scene

From /u/JaqueStrap69 Also Jon asking Sansa "Where's Arya?" When he arrived, just like Ned asking "Where's Arya?"

From /u/ChavaF1 The current ruler of winterfell saying “Winterfell is yours” to the arriving monarch

From /u/sarahj2010 Also loved the line from Robert Baratheon in the pilot to Ned 'I have a son, you have a daughter, we shall join our houses'. Its gotta be Arya and Gendry.

From /u/SaiyanAintSo Also Sansa being more than wary of Dany, much like Catlyn was of Cersei. She really seemed like her mother in that meet and greet

From /u/Dualstack Also Robert asking Ned to be his hand in the crypts kind of similar to Sam telling Jon he is king in the crypts

HUGE one from /u/Itsgreenarrow Also S1E1 Ned’s farewell to Jon he says “the next time we see each other, We will talk about your mother. I promise.” Then S8E1 while Jon is staring at Neds tomb Sam tell him about his parents

From /u/friggindiggin First episode Jon is distraught over his identity crisis as a bastard. This episode Jon is distraught over his identity crisis as a king.
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