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@Gennwat @KredaFreda To to to?
"Group stage performance bonuses will be paid for each match: €570,000 per win and €190,000 per draw. Undistributed amounts (€190,000 per draw) will be pooled and redistributed among the clubs playing in the group stage in amounts proportionate to their number of wins.

The group winners can expect to receive a qualification bonus of €1m each and the runners-up €500,000 each.

Clubs that qualify for the
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@Dayvid najwiecej kasy jest za gre w Grupie. Wiadomo tez dochodzi sprzedaz biletow na mecze w LE ktore są duzo droższe i zawsze jest komplet ;)
Ogolnie wejscie do fazy grupowej wiąże sie z mega zastrzykiem finansowym
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