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#motonotki Tym razem nie motocyklach:(

Jak Koenigsegg zmienił zdanie co do wałów korbowych w swoich silnikach V8 i przeszedł z wałów cross-plane do wałów płaskich (flat-plane). Dla chcących wiedzieć co wynika z zastosowania jednego lub drugiego wału: artykulik (po polsku) na dobry start.

Jeszcze w 2016 Koenigsegg pisał:

The Crankshaft

Our crankshaft is a 90-degree design that has very small and light counterweights to suit Koenigsegg’s very light pistons and connecting rods. The lightness of the rotating assembly together with the small area intake plenum and refined software calibrations make for a very responsive engine.

We’ve been asked on several occasions why we don’t switch to a 180-degree crankshaft design, which theoretically would allow for more power due to even more optimal exhaust pulses. In many aspects this is a very simple thing to do as the connecting rods and pistons can stay the same. The crankshaft, camshaft and some of the parameters in the software would have to change due to a different firing order and some difference in exhaust gas re-circulation. But that is pretty much all that it would take.

We have experimented with 180 degree crankshafts over the years but have decided against using one for the time being. The reasons for this decision? Well, we’re not exactly short on power as things stand right now and the 90-degree design gives less vibration and smoother engine characteristics. This is very important in a car where the engine is bolted straight to the carbon monocoque, without any cushioning, as it is with the Agera. We also find the 90 degree V8 rumble in combination with the turbo whine and fast response make for an evocative, powerful and unique sound.

A w 2019 już:

At the core of the newly designed engine is the world’s lightest V8 crankshaft. Weighing just 12.5 kilos, Koenigsegg’s new flat-plane 180-degree crankshaft allows Jesko to produce more power, with greater efficiency, while achieving a higher 8500rpm rev limit.


The flat-plane design allows even firing across engine banks and an even more visceral engine sound. Koenigsegg has countered the tendency that flat-plane engines have towards greater vibration by designing new super-light connecting rods and pistons.

#mechanika #motoryzacja #samochody
k.....2 - #motonotki Tym razem nie motocyklach:( 

Jak Koenigsegg zmienił zdanie co...

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