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Robiliście sobie ten słynny test BDSM? Jak wyniki? Zgadzacie się z nimi, czy nie do końca?
Mnie osobiście zaskoczył wynik dwóch pozycji ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
97% Brat
95% Rope bunny
95% Boy/Girl
94% Slave
91% Submissive
82% Primal (Prey)
68% Degradee
63% Ageplayer
58% Owner
57% Exhibitionist
57% Masochist
55% Sadist
53% Non-monogamist
53% Pet
51% Experimentalist
46% Vanilla
45% Voyeur
38% Master/Mistress
26% Rigger
25% Switch
9% Primal (Hunter)
3% Dominant
2% Brat tamer
1% Daddy/Mommy
0% Degrader
#bdsm #seks #niewiemjaktootagowac
  • 16
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@Wolowinka: Primals are mainly focused on their natural instincts and they enjoy letting their inner animal out during sex. The key part for primals play is that the #!$%@? show their raw, emotional sexual feelings during play. All of the labels, roles, and protocols go out the window, and the prey can become a snarling, growing, clawing animal hell-bent on getting away from its predator (you).

Hunters typically match well with
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== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
98% Sadist
96% Rigger
87% Voyeur
87% Master/Mistress
86% Dominant
84% Degrader
74% Switch
70% Exhibitionist
64% Primal (Hunter)
63% Experimentalist
61% Submissive
57% Non-monogamist
53% Primal (Prey)
52% Degradee
51% Owner
46% Rope bunny
46% Ageplayer
44% Daddy/Mommy
43% Brat tamer
41% Vanilla
41% Slave
39% Brat
33% Masochist
28% Boy/Girl
28% Pet

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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@paniswiata DOBRA, zrobiłem na telefonie xD

97% Voyeur
85% Exhibitionist
78% Vanilla
68% Master/Mistress
47% Experimentalist
42% Daddy/Mommy
36% Dominant
34% Owner
34% Switch
30% Non-monogamist
21% Ageplayer
15% Rigger
14% Primal (Hunter)
14% Brat tamer
11% Sadist
6% Primal (Prey)
5% Submissive
4% Degrader
1% Masochist
1% Brat
0% Rope bunny
0% Boy/Girl
0% Slave
0% Degradee
0% Pet

Jak widać, mam jeden wyraźny fetysz ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡
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@paniswiata: Eh to ja też zrobię mój coming out:

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Dominant
100% Master/Mistress
98% Owner
97% Rigger
97% Brat tamer
96% Sadist
92% Degrader
71% Daddy/Mommy
64% Primal (Hunter)
53% Ageplayer
41% Vanilla
37% Exhibitionist
37% Voyeur
32% Experimentalist
31% Pet
16% Non-monogamist
3% Boy/Girl
2% Submissive
2% Primal (Prey)
2% Rope bunny
2% Brat
0% Degradee
0% Masochist
0% Switch
0% Slave
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Też mógłbym polemizować z dwoma, z jednym ciężko powiedzieć które pytania na to wskazywały.

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
97% Dominant
96% Sadist
92% Rigger
86% Daddy/Mommy
84% Degrader
72% Experimentalist
70% Master/Mistress
55% Vanilla
53% Non-monogamist
52% Exhibitionist
50% Voyeur
47% Owner
46% Primal (Hunter)
40% Brat tamer
17% Ageplayer
0% Switch
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Już się chwaliłem na tagu

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Owner
100% Degrader
100% Sadist
97% Rigger
97% Master/Mistress
92% Dominant
90% Primal (Hunter)
86% Daddy/Mommy
62% Exhibitionist
58% Experimentalist
55% Voyeur
46% Ageplayer
43% Brat tamer
41% Vanilla
30% Switch
25% Masochist
21% Submissive
14% Primal (Prey)
9% Degradee
4% Rope bunny
4% Brat
4% Non-monogamist
3% Slave
1% Pet
0% Boy/Girl
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