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@beret121: Obniżka -100% była ustawiona przez pomyłkę i producent wycofał tak rozdane klucze.

Recently, you were able to pick up a free key for Fractured Lands from the Humble Store. We're very sorry, but this was actually a mistake due to some technical problems on our end.

If you received a key while Fractured Lands was set at a 100% discount, you'll still be able to play the game until 1
@beret121: dziś jest podobna promocja do tej gdzie Ci gra wyparowała

The redemption deadline is November 29th, 2018 at 10:00 AM Pacific. You have 6 days left!

Immediately after 10AM Pacific on November 29th, the download will magically vanish as if it were just a figment of your imagination, leaving this cryptic message behind in its wake.

= też czasowa.