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Wątek na który zwrócił moją uwagę Jacek Bartosiak. Wizyta Mika Pompeo w Panamie.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday that he had warned President Juan Carlos Varela of Panama about doing business with China

Mr. Pompeo’s warning was one of the clearest expressions yet by a senior American official of growing anxiety in Washington over China’s global economic activities, especially involving loans and infrastructure projects

Panama is a fulcrum in American dominance of the Western Hemisphere. The Panama Canal has been critical to the strategic and economic needs of the United States.

Only 17 nations still recognize Taiwan, and nine are in Latin America or the Caribbean.

Mr. Pompeo to “ask of Varela that whatever he does with China, it’s done in a transparent way, and that it doesn’t disadvantage American interests there.”

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#bartosiak #usa #chiny #panama #geopolityka
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