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#leagueoflegends #worlds

''(0:01) Worlds Logo
(0:06) Ambition getting nightmares from S6 Worlds
(0:08) All the different teams that attended Worlds 2016, and some champions' weapons
(0:18 - 0:22) He picks up Kha'Zix's blades, Sejuani's flail and Jarvan's spear
(0:29 - 0:36) A new season (A new start for Ambition)
(0:38 - 1:10) SSG Ambition Kha'Zix vs G2 Perkz Yasuo
(1:13) Kennen's Q (SSG Toplaner Cuvee's Kennen)
(1:16) Championship Thresh
(1:18) Ashe's arrow
(1:28) Olaf's Axe
(1:32) Ambition gets shot by Uzi's Vayne [SSG lost to RNG in groups, but still made it out]
(1:42) They lost again (1:50) Ambition uses Sejuani to finally defeat RNG
(1:55) Championship Zed
(2:01) SSG skins + Elder Dragon
(2:10 - 2:11) TPA and FNC, S2 and S1 champions respectively
(2:13) SKT T1 S3S5S6 champions
(2:13) The unlit statue is Samsung White's, which no longer exists
(2:18) Faker's SoloQ name before going pro
(2:20) 3 Stars is for 3 Championship wins
(2:22 - 2:48) SSG Ambition Jarvan vs SKT T1 Faker Ryze
(2:29) RYZE !
(2:34) JARVAN 4 !
(2:50) Upside down broccoli with the words roughly translating to "The unkillable demon king's 'must have' to win worlds"
(2:56) SSG wins S7 Worlds
(2:58) Ambition finally reveals his face
(3:02) Season 8 starts - All the rivals return more hungry than ever and slowly crawling their way up to dethrone the king. Their eyes are set gazing at the far-reaching fortress that lies at the top of the league realm. Who will triumph? Only time will tell us. (3:04) Gambit Gaming - Smurf's Darius
(3:05) KT Deft Kalista, and 2 other players
(3:05) Championship Riven
(3:08) Worlds trophy
(3:10) Flash Wolves member and a guy with Shen's swords
(3:13) TL Doublelift Jinx
(3:14) FNC sOAZ Fiora
(3:20 - End) Uzi wakes up to get revenge"
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