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A wy co, nadal wyznajecie jakiś libertarianizm albo trzecioświatowy maoizm?

Nuclear first strike

As an ideology Posadism supports the potential for Third World revolution, is enthusiastic about nuclear war and space exploration by the former USSR and the People's Republic of China, and has an esoteric concern for "harmonisation" and "man's relationship to the earth, to nature and to the cosmos", based upon an original analysis of working class culture developed by J. Posadas.

Ufology and esotericism

Some detractors have made allegations that the Posadists believe in a New Age doctrine based upon a millenarian belief in UFOs coming from a socialist future or alien socialist planet, and that fringe science experiments involving human–dolphin communication and water birth are also popular themes among Posadas' followers.[citation needed] The Colombian section of the Posadist International denies this as an "attempt by the Colombian media to smear us".[citation needed]

Posadas was the author of a number of works with an unconventional slant; he tried to create a synthesis of Trotskyism and Ufology. His most prominent thesis from this perspective was Flying saucers, the process of matter and energy, science, the revolutionary and working-class struggle and the socialist future of mankind (1968). Posadists believed that extra-terrestrials visiting earth in flying saucers must come from a socially and scientifically advanced civilisation to master inter-planetary travel and that the working-class should welcome the alien invaders as their liberators.

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