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Rule 10: Be precise in your speech
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When a lobster that has just lost a battle is exposed to serotonin, it will stretch itself out, advance even on former victors, and fight longer and harder. 9 The drugs prescribed to depressed human beings, which are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, have much the same chemical and behavioural effect. In one of the more staggering demonstrations of the evolutionary continuity of life on Earth, Prozac even cheers up lobsters. 10

10 to, według pliku epub z libgenu, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s003590050134 — w opisie metody eksperymentu jest następujące:

Solutions of 5-HT and OA (Sigma) were prepared at concen-trations between 0.01 and 1 mg ml)1 in physiological saline of thefollowing composition (mmol á l)1): NaCl 460, CaCl2 13.7, KCl 12.7, MgCl2 10, Na2SO4 14, maleic acid 5, TRIS base 10, pH ad-justed to 7.4. All amine solutions were stored at 4 °C and were less than 48 h old when used. Injections were made into the ventral hemolymph sinus at the thoracic-abdominal juncture, through a 27-1/2 gauge needle.

5-HT to serotonina, OA to oktopamina — nie ma nic o fluoksetynie, czyli Prozacu. Jednak ze względu na nieadekwatność cytatu należy dać kredyt zaufania Petersonowi i uznać, że pomylił się wydawca przy organizowaniu literatury cytowanej i 10 może oznaczać 9 albo 11.

11 to https://publications.credit-suisse.com/tasks/render/file/?fileID=F2425415-DCA7-80B8-EAD989AF9341D47E więc nie ma związku z tematem,

9 to http://www.pnas.org/content/94/11/5939.full a o fluoksetynie jest napisane poniższe:

The timing of the decision to withdraw from an encounter is a key element of game theory models of fighting (7–10). Our results raise the possibility that decision making of this sort may involve a balance between 5HT and other neuromodulatory substances (e.g., OA?) at key sites in the nervous systems of these animals. Our presumption is that we disturb that balance with injections of 5HT. We do not believe that residual free amine circulating in the hemolymph causes the behavioral reversal. The t½ of clearance of 5HT from the circulation (lobster ≈6 minutes; crayfish ≈11 minutes) argues against that possibility. Other mechanisms that could be involved are: (i) delayed second messenger-mediated effects in key decision-making neurons; (ii) an uptake of 5HT into serotonergic nerve terminals elevating amine levels, with subsequent release of higher levels of the amine during later agonistic encounters (22); and (iii) physiological actions of the sulfated metabolites of 5HT, which are released into the hemolymph after their formation in many crustacean tissues (34).

We have carried out preliminary experiments exploring possibility (ii) using Prozac (35). As in vertebrate systems, Prozac blocks 5HT uptake into serotonergic nerve terminals in lobsters (34). We have examined the effects of acute injections or infusions of Prozac alone and Prozac in combination with 5HT into subordinate animals (Fig. 3). Prozac alone has no effect on fighting behavior. This is not surprising because acute Prozac has little effect on patients either (35). In contrast, the effects of 5HT injections are significantly reduced in the presence of Prozac, suggesting that uptake plays an important role in the behavioral reversals (Fig. 3).

Jak z tego wyciągnąć wniosek, że ten lek „pociesza” homary? Czym ma być ten cheer up?

#nauka #jordanpeterson #bekazjordanapetersona
  • 3
@fozikajod: Za napisanie

In one of the more staggering demonstrations of the evolutionary continuity of life on Earth

należy mu się wilczy bilet z uczelni. To jest jawne oszukiwanie ludzi i zmyślanie rzeczy. Czekam na nazistów po ciemnej stronie księżyca w jego kolejnej książce.