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Mirki i Węgierki. Czy ktoś z Was ogarnia LinkedIn? Napisała do laska żeby podać jej e-maila i oto co od niej otrzymałem:
Miał ktoś z Was coś podobnego? O co w tym chodzi? :)

Dear Friend,

Thank you so much for your reply and accepting my proposal. How is life over there, hope you and your family are fine, am fine over here in Afghanistan. Like i said my name is Sgt Terisa Jackson a US Citizen, from Charlotte, North Carolina consider Portland Oregon, i graduated from Park rose Senior High School, Portland Oregon, i am 33 years old single, Presently i am at Afghanistan for war zone for peace keeping mission due to the WAR crisis going on here in Afghanistan.

About me, i have a good heart, i am very sincere and down to earth. I have a loving heart and am very respectful and kind Woman, i have a lot of love to give, my own Religious is Catholic Christian, i never judge others and am very compassionate, i love to appreciate the little things in life and am very respectful.

Dear, i have my reasons to contact you as i have something very important to share with you in my next mail. I wish to start a very strong relationship with you and my relationship with you will bring a lot of great changes in your life. I want you to understand that relationship doesn't count distance and age, therefore we can start as friends or go deeply into business partner with my funds which i need to invest with urgent assistance.

Dear, What do you do for a living to overcome economical expenses and to sustain your life and family? i know we are just knowing each other but we can share ideas and discuss about important things and more issues as we talk about ourselves, i like to think positively and i care about other people feelings.

I will be very happy to know more about you, like your hobbies, Interest, Life style, Religious believe, i will also love to see your pictures, like i said before i have a very vital information to share and discuss with you in my next mail so that you will give me a solution about it, let me stop here for now, am expecting an urgent respond from you soon.

Yours Faithfully
Sgt.Terisa Jack.
  • 4
@Leszek333: Brzmi jak próba urobienia cię przed jakimś scamem. Powymieniacie parę wiadomości a potem poprosi o kasę bo cośtam. Jak jej/jemu (Bo nie wiadomo czy to laska czy facet.) to kontakt się urwie.

Jak się nudzisz to po mejluj sobie. Ale nie podawaj swoich prawdziwych informacji. Pośmiejesz się i zmarnujesz czas scammera.