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My name is Adrià and I am a Catalan-Spanish native. I am a 28 years old scientist, and I have been working in the Software Industry for many years. I am married, and in love with Polish culture, and of course, Polish cuisine!!!

I would like to learn Polish (and some nice recipes ;] ) , in exchange of any of my professional(Java, C++, Project Management, Quality assurance or automation) , academic (theoretical Physics and maths),
or language knowledge (Spanish, Catalan, German).

Please, don't cut yourself off!
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Bait, bo jeden Wykopek przywitał się po hiszpańsku, a zielonka odpowiedziała po angielsku. Czyli nie jest z Hiszpanii.
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@adria-kds: and happened what i expected when started reading comments to post. Please take into considerration that many of polish young people grown up in postsoviet reality so lack of education and exclusion from modern environment is the cause of this boorish behavior.

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